2005.09.03. 20:45
"If you know in this hotel room they have food every day and I knock on the door. Every day they open tha door to let me see tha party, let me see that they throwin' salami, throwin' food around telling me there's no food. Every day. I'm standing outside tryin to sing my way in- "We are weak, please let us in. We're week, please let us in." After about a week tha song is gonna change to, "We're hungry, we need some food." After two, three weeks it's like "Give me some of tha food! I'm breakin down tha door." After a year it's like, "I'm pickin' the lock, comin' through the door blastin." It's like, "I'm hungry." You reached your level, you don't want any more. We asked ten years ago, we were askin' with the Panthers, we were askin' in the Civil Rights Movement. Now those who were askin' are all dead or in jail, wo what are we gonna do? And we shouldn't be angry!?"
Tudod, hogy ebben a hotel szobban mindennap van valami kaja, s kopogtatasz az ajtn. Mindennap kinyitjk az ajtt csak, hogy lthasd a bulit, lthasd ahogy dobljk a szalmit, dobljk a kajt, s azt mondjk neked hogy nincs kaja! Mindennap. Kint llok s megprblom benekelni magam. "Gyengk vagyunk, krem engedjenek be minket" Egy ht mlva a dal megvltozik: "hesek vagyunk, enni akarunk!" Kt, hrom ht mlvamajd gy nz ki: "Adjatok valami kajt, mer betrm az ajtt!" Egy v mlva: "Letpem a zrat s bergom az ajtt!" "hes vagyok". Majd elred azt a szintet amikor nem akarsz tbbet. Mi krtk 10 vvel ezeltt, krtk a Prducokkal, krtk a Polgr Jogi Mozgalomban. Mostmr mindenki aki csak krte vagy halott vagy a brtnben van. Mit kne tennnk ilyenkor? s ne legynk mrgesek??